The world is becoming more and more divided, seeing others and our planet as separate from ourselves. This is a call to action for men who feel unbalanced and who see the world as unbalanced. Together, as a community of men who find the balance of all aspects of our lives, we can bring humanity into harmony with each other and with our world, but it has to start with each of us.

This starts with taking 100% responsibility for your life. Responsibility means having the ability to have a conscious response to every situation. When you take full ownership of all of your actions and choices, you realize that your destiny is in your hands. You are creating your future with every choice you are making in each and every present moment. When you expand and refine your awareness and anchor yourself in the present, you are able to choose the path that aligns with your desired future.

In order to choose wisely, you must be able to recognize, feel and manage your emotions. Most men never learned any of these skills and have become imbalanced emotionally. We do anything and everything not to feel painful emotions. We suppress the feelings by intellectualizing, pushing ourselves harder, turning to addictions, or blaming others for our suffering.

I have helped hundreds of men learn how to feel their emotions and regulate them in ways they had never imagined possible. These inspiring, balanced leaders of their families, companies, communities and the world have created ripples of peace, strength, courage, trust, growth, and love with every person they meet.

The powerful combination of self-responsibility, spiritual connection and emotional intelligence empowers men to create a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and deep connectedness.

which experience is right for you?

private retreat

The most personalized, intensive learning experience at our compound in the mountains of Northern New Mexico working directly with Dr. Lance and Jana.

small group retreat

Learn in a small group setting with like minded men, working with Dr. Lance and Jana at our compound.

virtual retreat

All of the course content and resources from a Private Retreat in your own space at your own pace (at a fraction of the cost).

stay at our healing barn

Come enjoy a solo or small group retreat in a space designed to support relaxation, connection with nature and most importantly quality time with YOU!

Free 5 Hour Jumpstart

Come join Jana and I for our FREE 5 Hour “Emotional Mastery Jumpstart”. In these 5 hours , we share some of the most important practical tools of the Emotional Healing System with YOU! This system has been developed and refined for over 20 years and this 5 hours of content is yours for FREE.