Dr. Lance Wilson, M.D.
I am a board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician who chooses to work with people who want to take responsibility for the results in their lives. We are infinite choice makers and the choices we make create our experience.
I always questioned much of what information was taught in Medical School, residency training and in the practice of Medicine. There was so much that we did not understand and could not really explain and there was so much suffering that we were unable to alleviate. As I reached my early 40’s, I was exhibiting burnout, I was overweight, having some health issues and was in a co-dependant relationship. I was fairly active and ate pretty well, was earning a very good income in a respected profession, but I was not feeling it…I was not at peace and was not happy. What was missing was a spiritual practice and looking within to understand my suffering. I began a decade long journey to understand for myself how I was choosing to continue the patterns that were causing me to suffer. As the Buddha taught, pain is part of the human experience, suffering is optional.
I have served in several leadership roles including Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and President for medium sized multi-specialty medical groups. When I was serving as the CMO of one of these groups, my colleagues named me the CLO (Chief Love Officer), because I talked about truly accept and loving all apsects of ourselves is the key to peace, harmony and utlimately, health. Love is the path to healing ourselves and our world.
I believe (and the research supports) that through developing our awareness and making different choices that we can create a new reality for ourselves. When we become aware of how powerfully our beliefs, conditioned thoughts, emotions and behaviors are in the creation of the results in our lives, we can make new choices that break those habits and create a new life for ourselves. However, when we don't fully accept and love ourselves we won't make those simple choices.
People often think that advances in medicine have to be a new drug, a new laser, or a surgical intervention to be powerful—something really high-tech and expensive.
They often have a hard time believing that the simple choices that we make in our lives each day make such a powerful difference in our health, our well-being. I am happy to see that many more Physicians are focusing on diet, supplements and physical activity as paths to vitality. I have realized for myself and seen in others the deeper layers of well being that are required in order to find peace / balance. How we understand, feel and work through our emotions impacts our level of stress and the quality of our relationships.
My passion is in teaching and modeling how people can use the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience and quantum theory with the ancient Vedic and Buddhist teachings to create a more peaceful, fulfilling happy life.
Through spiritual connection, expanded awareness and making conscious choices, I have personally experienced radical improvements in my well being and have seen the same in hundreds of others.
I am excited to share with you.